Hello 2020
17th February 2020

Hey, it’s 2020 and we can’t believe we are half way through February already, time flies when you’re having fun!
We’ve had a busy start to 2020 and can’t wait to see what other things are in store!
So far we have already started a new group for the young people who are moving on from the juniors’ groups in to the inters. “We have named it inters phase 1” this group is designed for young people who are in years 6 and 7, a young person can join it once they are 11 years old. The group are going to split the time between issue based workshops which are relevant to the young people as well as some games and planning. This week the group took part in a workshop all about positive relationships and then played some games with the focus on effective communication, the telephone role play was the favourite for the group. Another group are planning a really interesting social action project which may just be music to your ears! Watch this space…
We are working with Youth Focus North East again on a social action project with our Junior group on a Thursday, Tom is supporting the group to apply for £300 to deliver a health themed project, the group themselves have chosen this as their top priority for young people. They plan to run some activities to make accessing sports and leisure activities easier for young people.
The Duke of Edinburgh award has seen 6 young people complete their Gold award, and we hope to see them heading to the palace soon to celebrate their achievements! And no sooner had these lot finished, we were signing up another 8 new young people to complete their Bronze award.
Our other activities also continue, with drop in sessions, DJ/Music project and regular cooking activities.
Watch this space to see what’s happening next!
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