Spanish Volunteers in Northbourne
23rd October 2018

I am Lucia and I’m 21 years old. I’m from Galicia, a beautiful place of the northwest of Spain.
I’m studied to be teacher children aged 3 to 6 years old. I also have been volunteer in Red Cross in Spain.
It’s the first time I’m in United Kingdom. I came here in September 2018 with whom I live here together with other Greek girl.
Come to this country means introduced new people, new ways of live, new culture and know the Geordie dialect.
The life here is very different to Spain. I love Spain, its people, but even so, Newcastle is a nice place to live and people is very friendly.
Laza, where I live, is a small village of Galician. There, there is an especial ancestral carnival to visit in February. In addition, the food is very good and healthy and the people very close. I invite you come to Spain and enjoy this beautiful place!
Concerning my experience in Newcastle, I decided come here because I wanted to learn English and know other country like Newcastle.
I’m very happy to be volunteering in Northbourne because we do some creative activities, talk with children, they learn us their knowledge, tell us what they do at school and I’m really enjoying this experience.
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